Monday, March 18, 2019

Saint Patrick’s Day and the Parade in Augusta, Georgia

May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow. And may trouble avoid you wherever you go.
Irish Blessing

The fountains dyed green for Saint Patty's Day - Downtown Augusta

EZ and gang ready for the parade

Fun at the staging area

Saint Patrick’s day is a day that everyone is Irish. It really doesn’t matter if it is part of your ancestry or not, you enjoy the day as an Irishmen. But if you are by blood Irish, this day brings a sense of pride for dear old Ireland. It is a day full of green everywhere and on everyone sometimes accented with interesting accessories. Bars and restaurants serve green beer and drinks and corned beef and cabbage to celebrate the day. There are parades and celebrations everywhere in the United States.

Safety brief before the parade by Bill Reid

Safety brief with Cliff Bennett,  Bill's secret mime

Today, Joe and I joined up with a large group of friends, and ride EZ, the firetruck in the Saint Patty’s Day parade. This is a firetruck that was bought by a group of friends, just for parades. We met at our favorite local pub, The Fox’s Lair and ride to the James Brown Civic Center where we line up. That is our pregame or tailgate where we have food brought by some friends to include, chicken salad sandwiches, Pimento Cheeses, grilled pork chops and chicken, pork taquitos, chips, and cups cakes made with Guinness and Baileys cream cheese frosting. There was also beer from the keg that is built into EZ and jello shooters. It is a nice time getting to catch up with our friends. We each get a bunch of green beaded necklaces to throw to the excited crowds on Broad Street.

                                            Fun at the staging area

As we entered the parade route this year, we notice how huge the crowds were. We had never seen so many people before attending this parade. It was a sea of green and everyone enjoying the day. We passed many beautiful buildings and churches on the way. It was a great parade. Afterwards, we topped off the day by hearing Dr. John Fisher at the Fox’s Lair with his group of musicians playing Irish music including Henry Wynn who is an amazing fiddle player. It was a great Saint Patty’s Day.

Saint Patrick’s Day (Feast of Saint Patrick) is a cultural religious celebration on March 17th. Saint Patrick’s real name is Maewyn Succat and he was born AD 385, and was captured captured by Celtic pirates and worked as a herdsman. He later escaped and became a Christian Priest and decided on the name Patrick. In the mid fifth century he went to Ireland as a missionary.

Yeah - Beads

Nice beard

Most Holy Trinity

He was known for establishing schools, churches, and monasteries and in later years was appointed Bishop of Ireland. He helped to convert 135,000 people to Christianity. The way the shamrock became a part of this day was he used the leaves to describe the holy trinity. His color was blue and not green. The green didn’t show up until the 18th century. The legend states Saint Patrick banished all snakes and sent them into the ocean and even to this day, Ireland has no wild snakes.


                       John Fisher and band playing Irish music at the Fox's Lair                           

Heather, Deb and Ed celebrating the day at the Fox's Lair

The first Saint Patrick’s Day parade was held in New York City on March 17, 1762. So our firetruck adventure this year was the 257th year of Saint Patrick’s Day parades in the United States.

May the Road Rise up to Meet You

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at you back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon you fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in palm of His hand.

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