Friday, June 07, 2019

Pointes West Army Resort and Confidence Course, Appling, Georgia

It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature’s gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever.”
Jimmy Carter

A couple of weeks ago, our daughter, Jeannine and her husband, Darren and family decided to go camping for the weekend and we, Joe and I, decided to crash their party. They rented a luxury RV from Pollards Camper Rental LLC ( Pollards drove it out to Pointes West Army Resort and set it up for them which made it so easy for their family. All they had to do was show up. Joe and I on the other hand, drove our little cruising camper/bed (Chevy Astro Conversion Van) for us to sleep in at our site. Our little condensed van is perfect for us now, as the back seat folds down into a bed where we place a memory foam mattress on it. It is super comfy. When we are not laying down, we can fold it up and sit on the bench seat and watch TV. We so enjoy camping now as it is so easy. No set up for us. Yeah.

Pointes West Army Resort is located on the banks of Clarks Hill Lake, which is the third largest artificial lake east of the Mississippi River. It is one of the ten most visited Corp of Engineer Lakes in the nation and has over 1200 miles of shoreline, spanning a total of 71,100 acres. The state of Georgia calls it Clarks Hill Lake but it is known as Lake Strom Thurmond at the Federal Level.

When we arrived, it was pouring rain with the threat of more rain over the weekend. It didn’t sound like great weather for camping but we were going anyway. We parked at a good level spot and went in the camper to visit. All the children were there and we got such a warm welcome. Isn’t family awesome. The camper was nice inside and we stayed dry during the storm while having a great time conversing with the family. After the rain stopped, we got out and walked around this beautiful spot on the lake. Joe set up our canoe, put life jackets on all the children, and took them out for a ride on the lake. How funny seeing Joe in a canoe with four children all moving around and all with big smiles on their faces seeming to barely be out of the water. When they came back, there was all kinds of stories of the wildlife they had seen. They so enjoy time with their Pop Pop.

As dusk came, the clouds cleared just enough to make the sunset gorgeous that night. We walked down to the beach and past the pretty gazebo. The colors were spectacular and they sky looked like an artist rendering as the colors were so vivid. The wind was a little crazy pushing us to the waters edge and whipping all around us. In the summer, the beach here is lovely with beautifully clear water to swim but it is still a little cold for that now and hard to even think about with the chill in the air. The kids enjoyed the walk and running all around the beach. Standing near the waters edge, I reflected on all my blessings. Life sure has been good to us and we are grateful that God has created such a remarkable, fascinating, beautiful earth for us to share. Thank you God.

That night, we were able to have a nice campfire and of course, we cooked S’mores. If by chance you do not know what an S’more is, let me tell you. It is a gooey delight enjoyed by children all across the United States. First you roast a marshmallow by cooking it over the campfire and getting it light brown. Then you get two graham crackers and a piece of chocolate. Put the hot marshmallow on top of the chocolate and used the graham crackers to make a sandwich. Yummy. The kids loved it. If you have never had it, you must try it as it is the perfect campfire food. A sugar rush for all.

Right across from the RV sites was a playground and a High Ropes Confidence Course. I told Jeannine that evening on the way back from the playground, how I would love to see that in action. Well, my wish came true and when we got up the next morning, there was a large group setting up to do the confidence course. It was cold damp day, so when brought our chairs over, we also brought a warm blanket to wrap up in. We spoke to the group and found out it was a scout troop from Evans, Georgia. As they listened to their safety briefing you could see the anticipation and nervousness in their eyes. They all anxiously got lined up to start with all their gear on and ready. Our grands were excited watching them and Azzy and Bella wanted a turn. Not this time girls.

The first group climbed to the first level and were again briefed on what they were to do and not do. The first thing they had to do was to get on on this long bench (known as Bench on a Trolley) that slides on two ropes that will take them to the middle of the course on this first level. When they got on this bench, they had to learn to work as a team quickly with each side pulling at the same time and strength or they would get stuck in the middle of the course. The first group did get stuck until they started talking with each other and pulling the rope on either side at the same time. Once they did that, they were on the move.

The next section was called the Leap Pads where they again had to work as a team to get across. Many held hands as they walked across walking from one pad to the other. It was fun watching this show and being with their parents who were giving instructions and speaking to each other about what their children needed to do. I loved the confidence in the parents as well, knowing their child could succeed and not worrying but encouraging them. “You can do it.” “Great job.” “I knew you could do it.” Some of the young adults were afraid of heights but they still got up there and with the encouragement of their friends and family, tried and succeeded.

After they finished the first level, they climbed even higher up through a netted area called the Birth Canal to reach the top level. I felt for those who were afraid of heights but loved the comradery of their friends who stuck with them through the entire course. To get down from the course, the group had to fly on down to the ground on a zip line. They were all excited to try that. They came down with big grins on their faces knowing they succeeded. We stayed until they got through the entire course and it was well worth it. There were hugs and “I’m so proud of you,” spoken by many parents. Bravo Scouts. We were very proud of you all for your accomplishments. Fortunately, the rain held out and they all got through the course. We felt so lucky to witness this. This is a group course and if your group is interested in this, contact the main office and they will set you up. Call them at 706-541-1057 and give them at least a two week notice. You do not have to be military to do this course but you have to have a military ID card holder to sponsor you.

The playground was another stop we made that day and we noticed how they greatly improved it. Before the new playground was built there was one huge slide that we remembered and we were always scared as it looked so high for little ones and some swings. Now it is just amazing with all kinds of gadgets for the kids to play with and a soft landing pad in case anyone would fall. There were nice swings also.

Later, we again walked down near the beach for another sunset. It was beautiful again but this time minus the interesting clouds. Once again though, it was windy as heck and the wind was chilly. As we walked back towards our camping site, we noticed the motel where you can rent rooms. The sun was hitting it just right and made it glow. I’m sure they are nice to rent. We stopped at the interactive playground on the way back and let the kids use the rest of their energy before heading back. Is that even possible?

We went back to the campsite and enjoyed another camp fire. What a great way to relax and enjoy the night. The kids entertained us with stories, dancing, and laughter. Life is good. This is a great place to camp, or rent a room or cabin. A great place to decompress and relax. Come out and see what it is all about.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”
Anthony J. D’Angelo

#GreatPlacesToCampInGeorgia                       #BeautifulMiltaryCampgrounds     #ConfidenceCoursesGeorgia                           #BeautifulLakesAndRecreationAreasInGeorgia

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