Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Capilla del Cristo Chapel, Old San Juan, Puerto Rico


The True Church can never fail. For it is based upon a rock.”

T. S. Eliot

This tiny chapel, once known as Capilla del Santo Cristo de la Salud, or (Chapel of the Holy Christ of Health) sits high up on a cliff above the city wall. This ancient chapel couldn’t help but catch my interest as we walked around Old San Juan. Unfortunately the day we were there, the chapel was closed. We found out it is only open on Tuesdays and on religious days. This unique chapel is located at the end of Calle Del Cristo. What a unique background to see when you look down to the end of the road. The one story brick and stone structure was built in the Spanish Baroque style with a bell tower adorning the top in the 18th century between the years of 1753 and 1780. Juan Francisco Metre is credited with its design.

 This Catholic chapel is known for its healing powers. Thousands of people have come here as a pilgrimage to get divine intervention for their health problems for over 250 years. The reason people come to this Chapel is because back in 1753, it was said a rider named Baltazar Montanez was riding on a runaway horse which he couldn’t control. The horse and rider plunged over the cliff. It was said that Don Tomas Mateo Prats, who was the Secretary of Government at that time, cried out “Christ of Good Health, save him.” The horse didn’t survive the fall but it was said the rider survived. That same year, Montanez started to build the chapel at the exact spot of the miracle. Many still believe that great story but it turns out it was just folklore. The truth came out after Don Adolfo de Hostos confirmed that the young man died in the fall. It was then decided to build a chapel in that exact location to prevent future tragedies.

The gorgeous altar inside the chapel is made of shiny silver and gold leaf. It is surrounded by oil paintings by the famous Puerto Rican painter, Jose Campeche. There are tiny silver ornaments that decorate the chapel brought by all the people looking for help with their pain. They are shaped in the form of legs, arms, hearts, and lungs and over the years more and more ornaments appear.

The quaint church is cared for by a group of local volunteer women who are called “La Hermandad del Santo Cristo del la Salud” which means the sisterhood of the Holy Christ of Health.

The first day we walked by this chapel, the plaza in front of it called La Plaza de las Palomas was full of people and pigeons. There were so many pigeons that day, I felt like I was in the movie, “The Birds.” It was crazy with birds everywhere and as you could guess, it didn’t smell so good either. The next day it was completely different with not even one bird and the smell was gone. This is an interesting stop when in Old San Juan. 

Till next time. Bye for now.

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