Saturday, November 17, 2018

Saint Benedict’s Painted Church, Honaunau, Hawaii

“Whenever you begin any good work you should first of all make a most pressing appeal to Christ our Lord to bring it to perfection.”
Benedict of Nursia

We got off the cruise ship and started on our way to see this church heading south from Kona. On the way, we stopped at a coffee shop in the Kona Coffee growing region and we walked around the plantation and Joe enjoyed the coffee. They had a table set up so you could sample all the different flavors of coffee. This was a fun stop as the coffee was great and the views were amazing.

From there we headed further south to our destination, St. Benedict’s Painted Church is a 40 to 45 minute drive from downtown Kona. When we pulled into the empty parking lot, we saw a small white church in front of us. It was a quaint church but we kind of thought to ourselves, this is it since we were the only ones there.

The small white church sits high on a hill with beautiful green grass surrounding the church and a small cemetery in front of the church. It was so peaceful walking around the grounds and seeing the amazing gardens with the beautiful blue ocean in the background. The front of the church has ornate lattice work that is just stunning with a gorgeous decorative steeple. Then we walked into the church, it was jaw dropping gorgeous. The details were incredible and painted with the most beautiful colors. So lovely.

The first church was built in 1842 in Kapalelua and was moved to is present location around 1880 when the Hawaiians moved up the slopes of Mauna Loa to get to cooler climates. Father Velghe who was originally from Belgium, arrived in 1899 and followed the Hawaiians. They took apart the church and moved it to its new location in 1902. Father Velghe was a self taught folk artist who wanted to paint the Bible story on the inside of this church so the Hawaiians would know the story. At this time most of the Hawaiians could not read so by his paintings he was able to teach them. He used ordinary house paint for all his paintings. He was a very talented man of his own rights and even without formal training, did brilliant work.

He painted the Gothic vaults above the alter, bringing a piece of his homeland to Hawaii and giving the illusion of a European Gothic cathedral. He inspired other priests in Hawaii and they that learned from him and painted other churches such as the Star of the Sea Painted Church which was painted by Father Evarist Gielen also on the Big Island.

Father Velghe’s had to return to Belgium in 1904 as his health was deteriorating and never got to finish the church. He had a great talent and it is a shame to have this beautiful church not finished. What is done is fabulous and a joy to see. He brought so much joy from his works that will keep on living on.

St. Benedict’s is a Roman Catholic Church is located in the famous Kona Coffee growing region on the Big Island of Hawaii and overlooks Kealakekua Bay. This church is considered the Jewel of South Kona and is a historic site. They still have five masses a week and is open for viewing seven days a week. The second Sunday of the month is the Hawaiian Mass with readings and music in Hawaiian and a breakfast following mass. I would love to see that as I can only imagine how beautiful.

The church cemetery is over a 100 years old and they still use it today. If you walk up the mountain, you can see the stations of the cross and a replica of Michelangelo’s Pieta. This was a great stop for us and if you are ever in that area it is worth the drive. Check them out at:

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