Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Alebrijes Restaurant, Vineland, New Jersey

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
Virginia Woolf

On our adventures around South Jersey, we met up with my brother, Howard and his wife, Linda to have lunch together. They told us about a great place they had found to eat not far from their home. They said they had a lovely breakfast there and were raving about the food and service. They said how good it was so we jumped in the car and headed to Vineland.

When we pulled into their parking lot, we couldn’t help but notice the small building painted with bright yellow paint with colorful looking surreal creatures hand painted on the walls. The paintings were full of color and just gorgeous. We stood there an admired the art work which made us all smile.
Linda, Howard, and Joe 

As we walked in, we were met by Manuel Paguay, the restaurants owner. He greeted us warmly and sat us at a nice table adorned with a white linen tablecloth. He introduced himself and we found him a very gracious and friendly host. Alebrijes had it’s grand opening celebration on July 26, 2019.

Just one of many Alebrijes.


The inside of the restaurant was also full of color and was painted with bright yellow walls and orange ceiling with lovely rainbow colored sheer curtains. The atmosphere in the restaurant was bright and uplifting. It felt very cozy. There were quirky shaped display boxes with colorful sculptures of unusual creatures in them on the accenting the walls. When Manuel came to the table, we asked him about them and he gave us the back story.

Back in the 1930’s, Pedro Linares Lopez fell ill with a very high fever. It was high enough that he was delirious and had crazy dreams or hallucinations. When he woke up he spoke of what he had seen when he was ill. He said he was walking in a strange forest when he saw strange animals that he had never seen before. He saw donkeys with wings, roosters with horns, and many other interesting blended creatures that were all shouting “Alebrijes”.

When Pedro recovered, he began recreating these fantasy mythical creatures in cardboard and paper mache. In later years, they were made of wood and it is said that no two of these colorful animals are alike. We were fascinated at the story and loved the figurines displayed all around his restaurant. They were all so colorful and fun. All I can say, it that must have been interesting dreams Pedro was having.

After looking through the very unusual menu that includes both unique Mexican and Italian dishes, we each choose our meal. I ordered the Molcajete because the meal included chicken, fried cheese, and cactus. I never tried eating cactus and was willing to try after seeing the Mexican ladies at our local flea market scrapping and preparing them for cooking. It sounded very different so I figured I would give it a try. Joe ordered Paella and Howard and Linda ordered a Mexican chicken dish. We also ordered their guacamole with the colored tortilla chips for an appetizer.

Manuel Paguay

The best Guacamole ever. 

Mexican chicken dish.  Love the flower.  

Paella.  Yummy
My amazing meal.   

Manuel got our drinks and came back and made the Guacamole at our table. It was amazing watching him make it. It was quite the work of art. When our meals came out, both Joe’s and mine where brought out in a lava bowl and they were well presented with a flower in the middle. What a sweet touch. The servings were very generous and after tasting it, we were all very impressed. Everything looked and tasted amazing.

In the nice weather, there is an outside patio if you want to eat your meal outside. He is open from 7 am for breakfast till 9 pm and is closed on Wednesdays. This restaurant is located at 305 N. Mill Road, Vineland, NJ and Manuel can be reached by calling 856-839-2750.

This was a total change of pace from the typical fare that we’d been eating and it was just perfect. We had great food and great company. What more could you ask for. We all left well satiated. If you are looking for a restaurant with great unique food, fun atmosphere, and friendly staff, this is the place. Stop by and sit a spell. You will not regret it. Till next time. Bye for now.

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