Thursday, January 02, 2020

Christmas Vacation House, Mickleton, New Jersey

I love it here. You don’t got to put on your coat to go to the bathroom, and your house is always parked in the same place.”
Ruby Sue National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

Who wouldn’t like to step back in time and imagine being invited to the Griswold family Christmas? Just pull up in front of this home located at 503 Legends Court in Mickleton, New Jersey and you get the full experience. The owners, Steve and Gina Harbaugh recreated this scene perfectly but added a little bit of elegance to their home verses it just being plain red neck.

“Dad, you taught me everything I know about exterior Illumination.”
Clark Griswold

Getting out of our car and looking at all the lights that Steve maliciously put on his home was remarkable. It takes him a good week of work just putting up the lights. There are 300 stands of white lights covering his entire house with a total of 7,500 bulbs. Steve has placed a tall ladder up against the house and there was poor Clark Griswold hanging from the gutter on the top of his house.
I don’t know what to say, except it’s Christmas and we’re all in misery.”
Clark Griswold

He put in an ad to try to find a 1973 Ford Condor that would fit cousin, Eddie’s RV that he drove and parked out in front of Clark’s house. He found one and bought it for $1000 from Jeff Norton and had it shipped from California. Since then, he and Jeff have become good friends. Jeff does the same in theme in California.

That’s a honey of a tree, Clark.”
Cousin Eddie

The RV looked authentic from the movie and when we looked in we saw it was full of toys. He asked for donations of toys for children to be given to Toys for Tots and a portion of the toys will go to Kelly's Kidz, that help burn victims and kidney dialysis patients at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. He had already filled up his RV once this year with toys and now it was near full again. His goal was to collect double to toys he collected last year which was 4,100 toys.

Where do you think you’re going? Nobody’s leaving. Nobody’s walking out on this fun, old fashioned family Christmas. No! No!”
Clark Griswold

An automated figure of Cousin Eddie holding onto a hose to pump out his sewage graces the front of the RV. The head is latex and made by an artist in California and his hand is moving up and down raising and lowering his beer. Everyone was getting their picture taken with cousin Eddie and we couldn’t resist either. We had to get a picture with Joe standing next to him. In front of Cousin Eddie is a board with a burnt figure of a cat on a board near him. So funny.

Can I refill your egg eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for Dead?”
Clark Griswold

Parked right in front of the house was a 1989 Ford Taurus Station Wagon that he bought for $900 adorned with an eighteen foot Christmas tree strapped to the roof. Steve bought the tree from Stimpson Tree Farm and they thought he was crazy wanting such a large tree with root ball and all. But they dug it up and helped him put it on the station wagon that he actually uses to pick up his children from school. It is amazing that tree didn’t crush his station wagon.

We’re kicking off our old fashioned family Christmas by heading out into the country in the old front wheel drive sleigh to embrace the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select that most important of Christmas symbols.”
Clark Griswold

He also has a 1984 LTD police car with lights flashing parked up in front. He adds something new to his display each year. This display is a must for Christmas time. The season is now done as he stops his display on January 1st. Make this a must see for next season. It is just plain fun. Thanks for all your hard work Steve and Gina and thanks to all who contributed gifts for the children. This is a great tradition and there is word that some of the neighbors want to get in on it next year and have themed houses. Bye for now.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Clark Griswold

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