Monday, July 01, 2019

Sunset on Indian Rocks Beach, Florida

The sky takes on shades of orange during sunrise and sunset, the colour that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again.”
Ram Charan

While we were in Largo, Florida one of our wishes was to see as many sunsets as we could while we were there. It was a beautiful clear day so we headed to Indian Rocks Beach in the vacation/fun van to see the sunset. We must take advantage of seeing a gorgeous sunset while we are here in beautiful Florida.  . Wouldn’t you? The beach was pristine even after a full beach day. It seemed everyone was leaving the beach as we were arriving. We wondered why since it was a perfect evening with a clear sky to see the sunset.

The wonder of a child

Bella Beauty
The sand here is a pretty soft white sand that feels great to walk on barefoot. The youngest of Jeannine’s foster children didn’t like the feel of it at all on his bare feet and wanted to be carried. The rest of us loved it, taking off our shoes as soon as we hit the beach. His brother was fascinated with the ocean and was squealing with delight since this was his first time seeing it. He was so excited. The girls just laid in the sand making sand angels and put their feet in the water. Not many people were on the beach that evening so we could let the kids run.

Stunning Mary

Lovely Azzy
The water looked clear and pretty and we wished we would have brought our bathing suits. Instead we walked the beach looking for shells and watched the birds fly overhead. The sound of the waves and the birds singing overhead was soothing. I wish I could bottle that sound when life gets a little too busy.

There is nothing so relaxing as watching waves crashing against the beach as the sun slowly sets. The colors in the sky started to get more stunning the closer the sun appeared to get to earth. Have you every noticed how everyone always looks better when they get their picture taken during a sunset.  We all watched and looked for the green flash that sometimes occurs as the sun disappears over the horizon. It did not happen that night. Joe and I had seen it before in Key West, Florida before and it is an interesting phenomena.

The days end.  All is tranquil.  What a fantastic show we witnesses.   Thank you God for this blessing.   We slowly gathered out belongings and headed off the beach. We cleaned up a bit with the outside showers, put on our shoes and turned around to say good night to the Sun. We all yelled, “Good night Sun. See you again tomorrow.” Bye for now.

When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.”
Mahatma Gandhi